Prescription Refills

If you need to refill an existing prescription, please call our nurseline during normal business hours, 48 hrs in advance. This will help us ensure your physician has time to review your chart and medication requested. 

Request for prescription refills can be made by calling (202) 331-9293 option #2 during office hours. Please leave your name, your date of birth, the name of the medication you are requesting, your pharmacy number and the name of your physician on the request line.

  • Please note, we do not refill narcotics over the phone.
  • We do not refill medications that were originally prescribed by outside physicians.
  • If you are requesting treatment for a urinary tract infection, we will ask you to come in for an appointment with our care team before we prescribe medication.
  • If you are calling to initiate a new prescription, we kindly ask that you make an appointment with our care team first.
  • If you are overdue for an appointment with our office we will ask that you schedule and appointment so our care team can make sure we are providing you with the safest medical care possible.